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White Chocolate & Lemon Verrine

White Chocolate & Lemon Verrine - 1-1


Recipe instruction

1. White Chocolate & Lemon Chantilly


250g Cream
2pcs Lemon zest
300g Embassy Zen White Chocolate 33%
500g Cream



- Boil the 250-gram cream with the lemon zest
- Pour over the white chocolate and emulsify with a hand blender
- Finally add the 500-gram cold cream and mix well
- Keep in the fridge overnight and whip the next day



2. Crumble


160g Flour
160g Butter
140g Brown sugar
80g Almond powder
80g Chopped hazelnut



- Mix all the ingredients with a paddle
- Bake at 150°C for around 20 minutes. Keep aside


3. Lemon Biscuit


130g Sugar
200g Egg
190g Almond powder
2g Salt
4pcs Lemon zest
80g Sugar
100g Egg white
100g Melted butter



- Whip together the sugar, eggs, almond powder, salt and lemon zest
- Make a meringue with sugar and egg whites
- Fold the meringue into the mixture, then add the melted butter at 50°C



4. Lemongrass Jelly


525g Water
50g Lemongrass
60g Sugar
5g Agar-agar powder



- Infuse the lemongrass and water for 30 minutes
- Strain then boil the infused water with sugar and agar-agar powder for a few seconds
- Pour in a mold as flat as possible. After it has cooled down, cut into small cubes for further use


White Chocolate & Lemon Verrine - 1-1
White Chocolate & Lemon Verrine - 2-1
White Chocolate & Lemon Verrine - 3-1
White Chocolate & Lemon Verrine - 1-1

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