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Dark Chocolate Bomb with Pear Compote and White Chocolate Mousse

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Recipe instruction



40g Flour
40g Butter
35g Brown sugar
20g Hazelnut powder
20g Chopped hazelnuts



- Mix all the ingredients together
- Lay it on a Silpat lined with baking paper (around 8 mm thick) and let it rest in the fridge for 2 hours
- Cut small squares and bake at 150°C for around 20 minutes. Keep it aside



2. Caramelized Pear


100g Sugar
250g Diced fresh pears
1/2pcs Vanilla bean



- Caramelize the sugar, then add the diced pears and mix well
- Add the vanilla bean and mix well
- Cook the mixture for around 10 minutes, then keep it aside for further use


3. White Chocolate Chantilly


100g Cream
100g Embassy Zen White Chocolate 33%
140g Medium protein flour



- Bring the 100-gram cream to a boil
- Pour the hot cream over the white chocolate and mix until well combined
- Add in the 125-gram cold cream and mix well
- Keep it in the fridge overnight. Whip the next day until a light and smooth texture (don’t overwhip it)



4. Dark Chocolate Bomb



- Mold two 8-cm diameter half-spheres using dark chocolate (around 25 grams)



5. Assembly


45ml Whisky



- Melt the bottom of the half-sphere chocolate bomb a little bit, and stick it to the middle of the plate
- Brush the plate with the liquid syrup from the Caramelized Pear to decorate (optional)
- Put the Crumble inside the chocolate bomb, then pipe the White Chocolate Chantilly on top
- Close the chocolate bomb with the other half-sphere
- Warm up the whisky for a few seconds, then flambé it and pour it over the chocolate bomb



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